Substance painter
3DCGモデルに直接ペイントし、結果をリアルタイムに確認できる。物理ベースレンダリング(PBR)に対応した、フォトリアルなテクスチャを制作できる。 現在のゲーム業界では(2020年5月現在)Substance Painterというソフトでテクスチャを作成するのが主流になっています。
Substance Designer allows you to create custom substance files. It has a lot of power with a mix workflow of working with procedural textures and bitmaps. However, SD doesn't have a great option for painting textures. There are 2D painting tools, but there are not a perfect solution.
This is where Substance Painter comes in. SP is designed to allow you to paint in full 3D. It is a great combination to have with SD as it can be used not only to paint full textures, but to also paint masks that can be used in SD for material filter generators such as the ones used to make edge wear and dirt. SP won't allow you to create custom substances.